label earMUSIC
picture 1920x1080
audio English LPCM 2304 kb/s 2.0
source 24887 kb/s
size 17.89 GB
genre Live Music
https //www.earmusic.net/news/liveatmontreuxjazzfestival2023/
Iggy Pop Montreux Jazz Festival 2023
01. Rune
02. Five Foot One
03. T.V. Eye
04. Modern Day Ripoff
05. Raw Power
06. Gimme Danger
07. The Passenger
08. Lust For Life
09. Endless Sea
10. Death Trip
11. Sick Of You
12. I Wanna Be Your Dog
13. Search And Destroy
14. Mass Production
15. Nightclubbing
16. Down On The Street
17. Loose
18. Frenzy
Over 17 tracks, Iggy and a sevenpiece band rip Stravinsky Auditorium apart with
Stooges classics and Iggys solo songs. The mixing on Live at Montreux 2023 is
wonderful. Iggys backing band reignites some of these songs in a new and exciting
way. The setlist is excellent all major Stooges albums are touched, Iggys solo
hits, a few newer songs, some experimental deep cuts. The centerpiece remains Iggy
Pop himself, enigmatic and unwavering as ever. This performance is timeless. So is
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